Provider of Therapeutic Supports and Support Coordination across the Sunshine Coast and SEQ
Our team has proven expertise in supporting participants to achieve their occupational, volunteering or study goals through our range of rehabilitation counselling therapeutic supports.
We are SEQ’s first and only private Rehabilitation Counselling practice offering services under:
- Finding and Keeping a Job
- Improved Daily Living
- Support Coordination
Contact us to find out more about how we can assist you or your NDIS participants achieve your/their employment occupational goals
Vocational Assessment is an evidence-based assessment designed to assist people with disability identify career, volunteer or study themes and options. Vocational assessments are typically ideally completed by RCs as they undertake tertiary training in this specialised area of assessment.
Vocational Assessment involves review of medical and psychosocial information; education and experience; transferable skills; assessment of interest, aptitude, adjustment, work preference and personality; assessment of jobsearch skills; labour market review and includes recommended strategies to support realisation of vocational goal.
An evidence-based assessment that involves an organised and intensive method of obtaining information about jobs. Job Analysis involves the gathering, evaluating, and recording of accurate, objective and complete information about a given position from a variety of sources.
Job Analysis can be used for Job matching; Identification of suitable duties; Determining job modifications; Job redesign; Hazard identification; Maintenance of employment; Developing training programs; Locating occupational information; Job promotion; and as Employer support.
Job Analysis is an effective tool to use in the career exploration process and may assist in responding to objections employers may have about hiring a person with disability.
Employment related assessment and counselling.
Vocational counselling is an evidence-based counselling service typically ideally provided by RCs as they undertake tertiary training in this specialised area of counselling. Vocational counselling includes professional and personal counselling, that incorporates an additional focus on the unique vocational needs of individuals with disabilities. Vocational counselling can be used to facilitate discovery of vocational themes.