Rehabilitation Counselling
RCAA is the peak national association for Allied Health Professionals with tertiary qualifications in Rehabilitation Counselling. RCAA is a member organisation of Allied Health Professions Australia (AHPA) and the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA).
RCs work from a robust evidence base, are required to complete a minimum of 20 hours of Continuing Professional Development per year and are bound by Professional Codes of Conduct and Ethics.
Wanting to get started with your therapies or support coordination?
Our highly skilled team have specialised skills in support coordination, case management and therapies to help people with disability:
- We will work with yourself and everyone involved with you to identify your goals, wants and needs
- We understand the characteristics and biopsychosocial implications of a wide variety of disabilities
- We think outside the box to meet your goals, wants and needs – ask us about our successful work with Veterans and Lifetime Care participants
- We are expert at working within Insurance models, so we know how to best support you to get the right funding and supports in place
We have capacity to help you right now – no waitlists!
Contact Us for an obligation free chat about how we can help you or your participant now

Rehabilitation Counsellors, Occupational Therapists and Psychologists – All can support you to achieve your occupational, volunteering or study goals
You have a plan. Why should you use our Rehabilitation Counselling (RC) therapeutic services for occupational related goals instead of an Occupational Therapist or Psychologist? Like Occupational Therapists and Psychologists, RCs are Allied Health Professionals with skills and knowledge to work effectively with people across a broad range of disabilities. RCs undertake advanced tertiary training in assessments and therapy services which relate specifically to helping people with disability or injury to identify and achieve their employment, volunteer and/or study related goals. This makes RCs uniquely qualified amongst these professions to help you access and achieve your occupational related goals under your NDIS plan.
Rehabilitation Counsellor Vs. Disability Employment Service (DES)?
What is the difference between using a Rehabilitation Counsellor (RC) or a DES provider? Like other Allied Health Professionals that you may access for NDIS funded therapeutic supports/therapies, such as Occupational Therapists, Psychologists and Exercise Physiologists, RCs work from a clinical framework, with the aim of maximising your occupational function and minimising exacerbation of your disability or condition. RCs achieve this through application of evidence-based assessments, therapies and services, liaison with your treating team and feedback that your occupational goals and preferred occupational environment are medically suitable. This level of clinical support may not always be available through a DES provider. If you use Allied Health Professionals who work within a clinical framework to support your other goals, why not expect and ask for the same for your occupational goals?